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Tips for Helping Seniors with Arthritis Stay Active

Home Health Care Germantown TN

Home Health Care Germantown TN

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 52 million people throughout the United States have some form of arthritis or related condition. More than 60 percent of these people are adults over the age of 65. If you are caring for an elderly adult who is suffering from arthritis, you know the impact that this condition can have on their life. The pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion related to the condition can cause your parent to lose mobility, become inactive, and suffer from other medical and health issues because of it. Fortunately with your help and the help of an home health care provider, your parent can stay active even as they are dealing with arthritis.

Some ways that you or an elderly home health care services provider can help your aging parent with arthritis stay active include: 

  • Be sympathetic.

  • The pain and stiffness that seniors with this condition face are very real and can be debilitating at times. Seniors who feel as though no one is listening to them or believing them when they talk about their pain can be less motivated to engage in physical activities. They may worry that they will not be able to manage it and get a bad response, or simply not have the motivation to do it because they know that it will cause pain. Being sympathetic to your aging parent means acknowledging that they are dealing with these symptoms and that it is difficult for them. This shows that you are there for them and that they are not “crazy” for “imagining” these symptoms.
  • Get approval.

  • Often seniors are far more willing to go along with what a doctor says than what their adult child says. Talk to your parent’s doctor about their arthritis and get a list of recommended activities for them to do. Have the doctor talk with your parent about the importance of physical activity and their actual limitations so that they can feel empowered about getting and staying active while also taking care of themselves.
  • Do it with them.

  • Being active should not feel like a “treatment” or a punishment. Simply making physical activity a part of their daily lifestyle is far more effective at giving your aging parent the benefits of getting up and getting moving. The best way to do this is to get active with them. Show them that staying physically active is something that is beneficial for everyone and that you care about your own health as much as you care about theirs. Work together to find activities that you both enjoy doing so that you can do them together. This gives them an element of mental stimulation and ensures that the activity that you choose is memorable and enjoyable.
  • Be cautious.

  • While you should never discourage your parent, it is important that you do not allow them to overexert their body. Help them to understand how much activity is good for them and when they need to listen to their body and stop. Be well versed in how to manage arthritis symptoms such as pain and swelling so that you can help your parent if they do overdo it.

For in-home Home Health Care in Germantown TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today! 


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