Most family caregivers report that they’re within an hour of their parent’s home. What if you’re farther away? You live hours from the family home. It’s too far to stop by more than every few months. What signs should you be looking for when you are able to visit?

How Does Your Parent Look?
Is your mom or dad unkempt? Has hair been brushed and styled? Is your parent wearing clean clothing? Are things buttoned, snapped, or zipped closed? Check if your parent’s skin looks overly dry or if there is irritation? Those are signs that personal care and hygiene are slipping. Homecare services can help with personal care and grooming.
Are Bills Paid?
Go to the places your parent keeps bills. Are there any unpaid notices? Is the electricity running and there’s water? Does the checkbook seem to have too many wasteful purchases? It may be time for a financial power of attorney to be named to help your parent with money management.
Is the Pantry Stocked?
Is there an ample amount of groceries to last a few days? If not, has your parent been grocery shopping lately? Could your mom or dad use a ride to the store? Are the foods in the pantry, freezer, and refrigerator good nutritional options? It may be time to arrange help with meal preparation and grocery shopping if they’re not.
How Clean Is the House?
How clean is your parent’s house? It doesn’t have to be spotless, but leftovers shouldn’t be left out to draw rodents and insects. Counters should be wiped down after a meal. Floors should be cleaned of spills, dirt, and dust. There shouldn’t be mold and mildew appearing on walls, window sills, and bathroom fixtures.
Is the Car in Good Shape?
When your parents no longer can drive safely, you might find damage to a car or garage area. Your mom is trying to park in the garage bay and hits the garage door framing. Your dad hits the gas pedal instead of the brake and drives into the fence at the end of his garage. Those are things you should check.
It’s time to take a closer look at homecare services. Let homecare providers help your mom or dad with daily activities. From medication reminders to transportation, caregivers help your parents live independently in their home. Call our homecare agency to discuss rates and schedules.
For Homecare Services in Germantown TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!
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