Five Gifts that Family Caregiving Brings

Caregiver Collierville TN

Caregiver Collierville TNAs a primary family caregiver, you are the focal point for your elderly parent. You often supply the connection to the world outside their home and act as an emotional sounding board when their feelings overwhelm them. Commend yourself for accepting this role in your parent’s life and know that, for all the hardships you’ll face, a bit of grace and beauty will be found. You will be a different person at the end of this journey.


“A man who masters patience masters everything else.”—George Saville

Quite often, you will be given moments and even days that test this virtue. And there will be times that you rise to the occasion and other times that you falter. Time has a way of evening out the rough spots. Day by day, if you will allow it, the harried whirlwind will give way to a quiet peace, for in giving we receive. What, in the beginning of this journey seemed all-important will, one-day, appear a minor dot upon the roadmap of life.


“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”—Lao Tzu

Having accepted this role for your aging parent, you can be sure that kindness is already a part and parcel of your makeup. Most people are granted fleeting moments, maybe only a few in one day, where they make a choice to be kind and, in that kindness, make a difference, however small, in someone’s life. You, in your choice, have changed the nature of your parent’s life and altered its course forever. Your kindness is like an anchor that holds their ship steady and secure.


“Look at the stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps 100 times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the 101 blow it will split in two, and I know it is not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”—Jacob Riis

It is said that persistence is the key to success. How many extremely intelligent, gifted people do you know that came up with a brilliant idea only to let it fall by the wayside with the first obstacle they encountered? Learning persistence is a gift that will serve you for a lifetime. And, as a family caregiver, you will discover its gift almost every day.

Awareness and Acceptance

“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.”-Nathaniel Branden

You will learn, if you haven’t already, that jumping in to right a wrong does not always lead to the outcome you had anticipated. As the days progress, your understanding will increase, your time management will sharpen, your awareness of what’s truly important will crystallize. And in those moments when you see with true clarity, an acceptance will descend in and around you. Not only will you learn to accept your parent and the different stages they will travel, you will learn to accept yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself. As a caregiver, you won’t do everything right, but if you do everything with love, you will look back upon this journey and smile.

For Caregiver Services in Collierville TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!

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