When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Mom’s Medications?

Why do you need to review your mom’s medications? While few families take this step, it’s something you should do once or twice a year.

Caregiver Atoka TN - When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Mom's Medications?
Caregiver Atoka TN – When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Mom’s Medications?

When your mom sees multiple doctors, they may not be on a system where they share information. If she uses different pharmacies, they may not catch potential problems when filling a prescription. It’s up to your mom to recall what she takes.

You want to make sure she’s not taking any over-the-counter medications that conflict with prescription medications. You also want to make sure she’s not wasting her money. During a medication review, these are the steps you should take.

Look Up Each Medication

Line up her medication bottles and OTC medications and look them up. Drugs.com is one resource you can use. Look up the medication, see what it’s used for, what the common dosage is, and what side effects are.

Look at photos of the medication and verify that’s what is in the bottle. If you have questions or concerns, call the pharmacy or your mom’s doctor.

Research the Best Way to Take that Pill

Find out how she should be taking the pill. Some pills have to be taken on an empty stomach, so it’s often best to take them when she gets up in the morning. Other pills need to be taken with a meal. She’d want to take those with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

If there are pills that should be taken with milk, make sure she does that. If there are other recommended measures, such as avoiding all alcoholic beverages, make sure she follows those recommendations.

One common one that may get overlooked involves avoiding time in the sun when you’re on an antibiotic. If she’s on an antibiotic for a UTI or infected cut, she needs to stay inside as much as possible.

Take Photos of All Bottle Labels

Go through all of the medications your mom takes and take a photo. You want to get the dosage she’s taking and how often it’s taken.

Why take this step? When you accompany your mom to a doctor’s appointment, you can have the doctor do a review of medications with you. At that time, you can address if the medication is needed or if there are more affordable options. You can also verify that none of the medications conflict with each other.

Once you’ve reviewed your mom’s medications and asked her doctor to clarify anything that concerns you, arrange medication reminder services for her. Caregivers can order refills, make sure she takes medications every day, and be available if she is dealing with side effects.

Let our home care agency know how caregivers could help your mom. It’s easy to make the arrangements with a quick phone call.

For Caregiver Services in Atoka TN, please contact the caring staff at Personal Care Services MidSouth today!


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